From our hearts to the children affected by the crisis in Ukraine -The Story of Kaia Centers

I am a mother trying to help some of those kids and families in need with all I can as a business leader on my own. I have a network of great friends and business leaders that joined this effort (those that decided to do so).
Since the beginning of this situation with the refugees, I have been actively involved in several areas with concrete actions. I have supported/initiated some efforts with companies (products/services donations, etc.), also at a personal level with my two daughters and their high schools and authorities (Vianu and Scoala Centrala – to support students that are transiting Romania to be extracted by their home countries) as well as with my company employees from Romania and the V+O network (Greece, Cyprus, Albania, Bulgaria etc.).
A few days after it all started, one morning, I met with Tamir Shabat, a great friend and experienced business leader and got some advice on the support platform I intend to initiate and build.
After that, we decided to tap into all the knowledge, infrastructure, and network to build an Activity Camp for the refugees’ children.
Many amazing friends were open to supporting us, entrepreneurs, public figures, CEOs, employees, teachers, teens and regular people. With a group of 20 people, we decided to put together Kaia Centers, activity centres where those kids arriving in Bucharest with their mothers and grandmothers will benefit from activities coordinated by teachers, psychologists, trainers and high school volunteers.
Since that moment, I have been waking up every morning hoping to get some more help from anybody willing to help with anything that one might add to our contribution.
Nevertheless, some of you might know me personally. We might have done some great projects together with some of you or your companies in the last 25 years. Less importantly, I am Lori Visa Unfortunately, I am not the owner of the Visa card, but the leader of a communication / BTL/ PR agency in Romania.
Kaia Centers are not about our V+O Communication Agency or me…..
I thank each and everyone that trusted us and helped us already: authorities, associations, volunteers, donors, and offered us the chance to launch in one day the first 3 Kaia Centers.
I invite all of you to join us in this humanitarian project. This initiative is for all of us: persons, companies, associations, public organizations, journalists, or opinion leaders!
Today, I am dreaming and hoping and praying to reach the point where Kaia Centers will be across the country. I am confident we have many people in our country with high drive and social purpose coming from different backgrounds and even different coulters and countries that will accept the challenge to minimize the sufferance of those children.
Let’s all coordinate, be united and contribute. It is our responsibility to give to children back their childhood!
Loredana Vișa – Kaia Center Program Director